Data and programs

Forskningsdata och statistiska program i Daniels forskning med syfte att reproducera resultat och figurer.

Inequality and taxation

Waldenström (2022). “Wealth and History: A Reappraisal”, Draft, 2022.

DATA AND PROGRAMStata files (zip)

Bartels, Waldenström (2022). “Inequality and Top Incomes.” in: Zimmerman, Klaus F. (red.), Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Cham: Springer.

DATAMain data in xlsx

Bengtsson, Rubolino, Waldenström, (2020). “What Determines the Capital Share over the Long Run of History?”, Draft, 2020.

DATA AND PROGRAMMain data; Stata files (zip)

DATABengtsson-Waldenström Historical Factor Share Database, 1850–2018 (xls)

“Global earnings inequality, 1970-2018”, CEPR DP (with Olle Hammar), Economic Journal.

APPENDIX:  Online appendix

DATAMain data files in Stata and xlsx (zip)

PROGRAMReplication package (Stata, zip)

Ohlsson, Roine, Waldenström (2020). “Inherited wealth over the path of development: Sweden, 1810–2016”, Journal of the European Economic Association.

DATAMain data in xlsx

“Does financial deregulation boost top incomes? Evidence from the Big Bang”, Economica, (with Julia Tanndal), 2017.

DATA AND PROGRAMMain data; Stata and Matlab files, Paper (zip)

“Trends and gradients in top tax elasticities: Cross-country evidence, 1900-2014” , (with Enrico Rubolino), International Tax and Public Finance, 2019.

APPENDIXOnline appendix 

DATAMain dataset with tax rates, top income shares, control variables, 1900-2014 (zip containing dta and xls)

PROGRAMStata do- and dta-files for replication (zip)

Rubolino, Waldenström, (2019). “Tax progressivity and top incomes: Evidence from tax reforms”, Journal of Economic Inequality.

DATAAnnual cross-country top income shares (zip containing dta and xls)

PROGRAMStata do- and dta-files for replication (zip)

Lundberg, Waldenström, (2016). “Wealth inequality in Sweden: What can we learn from capitalized income tax data?”, Review of Income and Wealth.

DATAWealth inequality in Sweden, 2000-2012 (xls).

Bengtsson, Waldenström (2018). “Capital shares and income inequality: Evidence from the long run”, Journal of Economic History.

DATA: Bengtsson-Waldenström Capital Share Database, 1850–2012 (zip  xls).

APPENDIX: to Bengtsson-Waldenström Capital Share Database (PDF).

“Wealth-income ratios in a small, developing economy: Sweden, 1810–2010”, Journal of Economic History, 2017.PROGRAM: Stata dataset and codes for generating figures

DATAData underlying tables in article (xls).

Long-Run Trends in the Distribution of Income and Wealth”, in Handbook in Income Distribution, Elsevier, North-Holland, 2015 (w Roine). 

DATA AND PROGRAMAll Handbook tables and figures (pdf with links) 

“Piketty’s r-g model: wealth inequality and tax policy”, CESIfo Forum, No. 1: 3‒10, (with Clemens Fuest, Andreas Peichl), 2015.

DATA AND PROGRAMLong-run wealth inequality data; Stata do + dta-files (zip) 

“Intergenerational top income mobility in Sweden: Capitalist dynasties in the land of equal opportunity?”, Journal of Public Economics, 2012.

PROGRAMStata codes for generating dataset, descriptives and all results and a readme.txt (zip)

“Common Trends and Shocks to Top Incomes: A Structural Breaks Approach”, Review of Economics and Statistics, (with Jesper Roine), 2012.

DATA AND PROGRAMAnnual cross-country top income shares; GAUSS programs (zip)

“The Long-Run Determinants of Inequality: What Can We Learn from Top Income Data?”, Journal of Public Economics, (w. Roine, Vlachos), 2009.

DATAAnnual cross-country top income shares (xls)

PROGRAMStata do- and dta-files for replication (zip)

“The Evolution of Top Incomes in an Egalitarian Society: Sweden, 1903–2004”, Journal of Public Economics 92(1–2), 366–387, (with J Roine), 2008.

DATASwedish top income shares 1903-2010 (xls)

“Long-Run Changes in the Concentration of Wealth: An Overview of Recent Findings”, in Davies, J.B. (ed.), Personal Wealth from a Global Perspective, Oxford, Oxford University Press, (with H Ohlsson and J Roine), 2008.

DATAWealth data for P99-100 and P95-99 (zip)

Financial history, finance and growth

Waldenström, D. (2022).  ”The Swedish Bond Market, 1835-2020”, in: R Edvinsson, T Jacobson and D Waldenström (eds.).

DATABond market data 1835-2020 (xls)

Waldenström, D. (2022).  ”The National Wealth of Sweden”, in: R Edvinsson, T Jacobson and D Waldenström (eds.)

DATANational wealth data 1810-2020 (xls)

“Swedish stock and bond returns, 1856–2012”, in: R Edvinsson, T Jacobson and D Waldenström (eds.), Historical Monetary and Financial Statistics for Sweden, vol. 2: House Prices, Stock Returns, National Accounts and the Riksbank balance Sheet, 1860-2012, Stockholm: Sveriges Riksbank and Ekerlids förlag.

DATAStock and bond returns 1901-2022 (xlsx)

DATAAppendix to Stock and bond returns 1901-2022 (xlsx)

DATABond yields 1856-2022 (xlsx)

DATAAppendix to Bond yields 1856-2022 (xlsx) 

Historical Monetary and Financial Statistics for Sweden, vol. 1, Exchange rates, prices, and wages, 1277–2008, Sveriges Riksbank and Ekerlids förlag, editor, (with R Edvinsson and T Jacobson), 2010.WEBPAGE WITH FULL BOOK AND DATA      HEMSIDA MED HELA BOKEN OCH DATA      

“Did Nordic Countries Recognize the Gathering Storm of World War II? Evidence from Bond Markets”, Explorations in Economic History 45(2), 107–126, (with B S Frey), 2008.

DATA AND PROGRAMWeekly and monthly bond yields 1938-1940 and GAUSS programs (zip)

“Using Financial Markets to Analyze History: The Case of the Second World War”, Historical Social Research 32(4), 330–350, (with B S Frey), 2007.

DATAMonthly and weekly bond yields and prices 1933-1948 (xls)

“International Financial Liberalization and Industry Growth”, International Journal of Finance & Economics 10(3), 263–284, (with J Vlachos), 2005.

DATACross-country dataset on liberalization, finance and growth (xls)

“Markets Work in War: World War II Reflected on the Zurich and Stockholm stock Exchanges”, Financial History Review 11(1), 51–67, (with B S Frey), 2004.

DATAMonthly bond prices 1933-1948 (xls)


“Citation Success: Evidence from Economic History Journal Publications”, Explorations in Economic History, (w G Di Vaio and J Weisdorf).

DATA AND PROGRAMAuthor publications, citations and program code, in Stata format (zip)

Swedish publications (Svenska publiceringar)

Perspektiv på den ekonomiska ojämlikheten i Sverige”, Ekonomisk Debatt 48(4), 13–25, 2020.

DATAFigurdata (xls)

“Vart tog det gömda utlandskapitalet vägen?”, Ekonomisk Debatt 39(3), 81–84, 2011.

DATAOförklarat sparande i Sverige, 1980‒2010 (xls) (uppdaterad)