Other publications
Commissioned reports
Global Wealth Report 2023, UBS and Credit Suisse. (Databook of the report).
Angelov, N., Waldenström, D. (2023). The Economic Effects of Covid-19 in Sweden: A Report on Income, Taxes, Distribution, and Government Support Policies, CESifo WP, IZA WP,
Waldenström, D. (2022). The Structure of Fund Ownership in Sweden: An Empirical Analysis, Report, Swedish Investment Fund Association.
Waldenström, D. (2019). ”What determines the development of capital income?” (Swedish version: ”Vad bestämmer kapitalinkomsternas utveckling?”), chapter 1 in Bilaga 3 till Långtidsutredningen, SOU 2019:62, Swedish government, Stockholm: Norstedst Juridik.
Edvinsson, R., Jacobson, T., Waldenström, D. (eds.) (2018). Sveriges Riksbank 350 years and the History of Central Banking, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Book webpage
Waldenström, D., Bastani, S., Hansson, Å. (2018). Kapitalbeskattningens förutsättningar [Capital taxation in Sweden], Konjunkturrådets rapport 2018, Stockholm: SNS Förlag.Dataunderlag till figurer (xls); Debattartikel DN 17/1-18
Bergh, A., Nilsson, T., Waldenström, D. (2016). Sick of Inequality? An Introduction to the Relationship between Inequality and Health, Edward Elgar.
Edvinsson, R., Jacobson, T., Waldenström, D. (eds.) (2014). Historical Monetary and Financial Statistics for Sweden, vol. 2: House Prices, Stock Returns, National Accounts and the Riksbank balance Sheet, 1860-2012, Sveriges Riksbank and Ekerlids förlag. Book webpage with data
Flood, L., Nordblom, K., Waldenström, D. (2013). Dags för enkla skatter! [Time for simpler taxes!] Konjunkturrådets rapport 2013, Stockholm: SNS Förlag.
Bergh, A., Nilsson, T., Waldenström, D. (2012). Blir vi sjuka av inkomstskillnader? En introduktion till sambanden mellan inkomst, ojämlikhet och hälsa, Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Edvinsson, R., Jacobson, T., Waldenström, D. (eds.) (2010). Historical Monetary and Financial Statistics for Sweden, vol. 1: Exchange rates, prices, and wages, 1277–2008, Stockholm: Sveriges Riksbank and Ekerlids förlag. Book webpage with data
Anxo, D., Forslid, R., Hassler, J., Krusell, P., Lindh, T., Waldenström, D. (2013). Råd till en finansminister [Advice to the Minister of Finance] Konjunkturrådets rapport 2010, Stockholm: SNS Förlag.
Roine, J., Waldenström, D. (2008). Globalisering och inkomstfördelning [Globalisation and Income Inequality], Rapport no. 20, Globalisation Council, Swedish Government.
Waldenström, D. (2009). Lifting All Boats? The Evolution of Income and Wealth Inequality over the Path of Development, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Economic History, Lund Unviersity.
Chapters in edited volumes
Waldenström, D. (2022). ”The Swedish Bond Market, 1835-2020”, in: R Edvinsson, T Jacobson and D Waldenström (eds.), Historical Monetary and Financial Statistics for Sweden, vol. 3: Banking, Bonds, National Wealth, and Stockholm House Prices, 1420-2020, Stockholm: Sveriges Riksbank and Ekerlids förlag.
Waldenström, D. (2022). ”The National Wealth of Sweden”, in: R Edvinsson, T Jacobson and D Waldenström (eds.), Historical Monetary and Financial Statistics for Sweden, vol. 3: Banking, Bonds, National Wealth, and Stockholm House Prices, 1420-2020, Stockholm: Sveriges Riksbank and Ekerlids förlag.
Edvinsson, R., Jacobson, T., Waldenström, D. (2022). “Introduction”, in: Edvinsson, R, Jacobson, T and Waldenström, D (eds.), Historical Monetary and Financial Statistics for Sweden, vol. 3, Stockholm: Ekerlids förlag.
Bastani, S., Waldenström, D. (2022). ”Wealth and Inheritance Taxation: Theory and Evidence from the Nordic Countries.” in Jacobs, B. and Cnossen, S. (eds.). Tax by Design for the Netherlands, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bartels, C., Waldenström, D. (2021). ”Inequality and Top Incomes.” in Zimmermann, K. F. (ed.), Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Cham: Springer.
Edvinsson, R., Jacobson, T., Waldenström, D. (2018). “Introduction”, in R Edvinsson, T Jacobson and D Waldenström (eds.), Sveriges Riksbank: 350 Years in the Making, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Roine, J., Waldenström, D. (2015). ”Long-Run Trends in the Distribution of Income and Wealth”, in A Atkinson, F Bourguignon (Eds), Handbook in Income Distribution, vol 2A, Amsterdam: North-Holland.
Waldenström, D. (2014). “Swedish stock and bond returns, 1856–2012”, in: R Edvinsson, T Jacobson and D Waldenström (eds.), Historical Monetary and Financial Statistics for Sweden, vol. 2: House Prices, Stock Returns, National Accounts and the Riksbank balance Sheet, 1860-2012, Stockholm: Sveriges Riksbank and Ekerlids förlag.
Edvinsson, R., Jacobson, T., Waldenström, D. (2014). “Introduction”, in: Edvinsson, R, Jacobson, T and Waldenström, D (eds.), Historical Monetary and Financial Statistics for Sweden, vol. 2, Stockholm: Ekerlids förlag.
Du Rietz, G., Henrekson, M., Waldenström, D. (2012). “Swedish Inheritance and Gift Taxation (1885-2004)”, in: Henrekson, M., Stenkula, M. (eds.), Swedish Taxation: Developments since 1862 (267–302). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Frey, B. S., Waldenström, D. (2011). “How Government Bond Yields Reflect Wartime Events: The Case of the Nordic Market”, in Robert W. Kolb (ed.), Sovereign Debt: From Safety to Default, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Waldenström, D. (2011). “How Important are the Political Costs of Domestic Default? Evidence from World War II Bond Markets”, in Robert W. Kolb (ed.), Sovereign Debt: From Safety to Default, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Roine, J., Waldenström, D. (2010). “Top Incomes in Sweden over the Twentieth Century”, in Atkinson, A B, and Piketty, T (eds.), Top Incomes over the Twentieth Century: Volume II, A Global Perspective, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Edvinsson, R., Jacobson, T., Waldenström, D. (2010). “Introduction”, in: Edvinsson, R, Jacobson, T and Waldenström, D (eds.), Historical Monetary and Financial Statistics for Sweden, vol. 1 Stockholm: Sveriges Riksbank and Ekerlids förlag.
Ohlsson, H., Roine, J., Waldenström, D. (2008). “Long-Run Changes in the Concentration of Wealth: An Overview of Recent Findings”, in Davies, J.B. (ed.), Personal Wealth from a Global Perspective, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Waldenström, D. (2008). “Income Distribution in Sweden since 1990”, in K Glans and J Laurin (eds), Towards an Hourglass Society? Income Differences and the Fate of the Middle Class, Glasshouse Forum, Stockholm.
Non-refereed journal articles
Björklund, A, Waldenström, D (2021), ”Facts and Myths in the Popular Debate about Inequality in Sweden”, IFN WP 1392.Data underlying figures, xlsx
Jacobs, B., Waldenström, D. (2021). “Introduction to IIPF 2019 special issue in ITAX”, International Tax and Public Finance.
Waldenström, D. (2018). “Inheritance and Wealth Taxation in Sweden”, Ifo DICE Report 2/2018: 8-12.
Waldenström, D. (2017). “Inequality and the Super-Rich”, Journal of Income Distribution 26(1).
Andersson, M., Waldenström, D. (2017). “Hernando de Soto: Recipient of the 2017 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research”, Small Business Economics 49(4), 721-728.
Fuest, C., Peichl, A., Waldenström, D. (2015). “Piketty’s r-g Model: Wealth Inequality and Tax Policy”, CESIfo Forum, No. 1, 1-10.
Roine, J., Waldenström, D. (2012). “Social Policy and the World-Wide Top One Percent”, Wall Street Journal, Letter to the Editor, March 17.
Waldenström, D. (2008). “Why Should Inequality Researchers Care About the Rich?”, IFC Bulletin, No. 28, 421–427.
Frey, B. S., Waldenström, D. (2007). “Using Financial Markets to Analyze History: The Case of the Second World War”, Historical Social Research 32(4), 330–350.
Waldenström, D. (2005). “Increased International Integration is a Prerequisite for More and Better Research in Economic History: Reply to Knutsen and Sjögren”, Scandinavian Economic History Review 53(3), 85–92.
Waldenström, D. (2005). “Is Swedish Research in Economic History Internationally Integrated?”, Scandinavian Economic History Review 53(2), 50–77.
Book reviews
Waldenström, D. (2015). Review of ”An Economic History of Modern Sweden” by Lennart Schön, Abongdon, Oxford. Journal of Economic History 75(1).
Waldenström, D. (2007). Review of “Emerging Markets and Financial Globalization Sovereign Bond Spreads in 1870–1913 and Today” by P Mauro, N Sussman, and Y Yafeh, Finance & Development 44(2).
Waldenström, D. (2001). Review of “A History of Banking in Antebellum America: Financial Markets and Economic Development in an Era of Nation-Building”, H Bodenhorn, Scandinavian Economic History Review, 49(1).
Waldenström, D. (1999). Review of “The State, the Financial System and Economic Modernization”, R Sylla, R Tilly and G Tortella (eds.), Scandinavian Economic History Review, 47(3).
Waldenström, D. (1999). Review of “Mellen Økonomi og Historie”, L Herlitz (ed.), Scandinavian Economic History Review, 47(1).